Unleash the Power of Behavioral Traits Discovery

Say Goodbye to Tedious Tasks and Hello to the Future of Hiring

Revolutionizing Hiring with AI-Powered Video Psychometric Assessments

INVIEWS is not just another talent assessment platform - it's a game-changer in the industry. With its cutting-edge AI-powered video assessments, offering a dynamic and comprehensive approach to talent assessment and development.

The INVIEWS Solution

AI-driven Video Assessments

Candidates record video responses to preset questions or scenarios, which are then analyzed by advanced AI algorithms. The AI evaluates verbal and non-verbal cues, such as tone, facial expressions, and body language, to provide a more accurate, objective, and consistent assessment of the candidate's abilities.

Comprehensive Psychometric Evaluation

INVIEWS leverages scientifically validated assessment methods to evaluate candidates across multiple dimensions, including cognitive abilities, personality traits, and emotional intelligence.

Customizable Assessment Criteria

With INVIEWS, organizations can tailor assessments to specific job roles and organizational needs. Assessment criteria can be easily updated as requirements evolve, ensuring that evaluations remain relevant and aligned with company values and desired competencies.

Real-time Feedback and Scoring

INVIEWS' AI-powered scoring system provides immediate results, offering both quantitative and qualitative feedback for candidates and employers. This facilitates efficient decision-making and talent development, eliminating the need for lengthy evaluation processes.

In-depth Candidate Profiles and Reporting

INVIEWS generates comprehensive candidate profiles that include video responses, scores, and insights into their potential. This data-driven approach to talent management helps organizations identify strengths, areas for development, and growth potential, streamlining hiring, training, and up-skilling initiatives.


  • Enchanting Efficiency: With INVIEWS, the hiring process becomes a breeze. Our AI-powered video psychometric assessments wave their digital wand, saving you precious time and effort.
  • Uncover the Stars Within: INVIEWS has a knack for discovering hidden gems. INVIEWS unearths exceptional talents that others may overlook.
  • Embrace the Future of Hiring Sorcery: By harnessing the power of AI-powered video psychometric assessments, you'll wield the ability to build a team that thrives in the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace.

It’s For the Visionaries Seeking Extraordinary Talent

HR Innovators

Visionary HR professionals who are eager to embrace cutting-edge technology and AI-powered solutions to enhance their hiring strategies and make data-driven decisions

Hiring Managers and Recruiters

Talent architects who are determined to build exceptional teams and find the perfect fit for their organizations.

Talent Development Specialists

Professionals responsible for nurturing and maximizing the potential of their workforce. They rely on INVIEWS to identify areas for growth, design targeted training programs, and unleash the full power of their employees.

Your Destiny with INVIEWS Awaits!

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